1. 汉语必修课程:综合汉语,汉语口语,汉语听力,分8个等级A级(初级)-B级(中级)-C级(高级)-D级(高级进阶),可根据自测标准选择相应的等级。
Major courses: Comprehensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Chinese Listening. XMU provides eight levels Chinese courses as following: A level (Pre- Elementary), A+ level (Elementary), B level (Pre-Intermediate), B+ level (Intermediate), C level (Pre- Advanced), C+ level (Advanced), D level (Upper- Advanced I), D+ level (Upper- Advanced II). We will select the corresponding grade for you according to the test results.
2. 汉语选修课程:HSK辅导、成语故事、经贸口语、报刊阅读、现代汉语词汇、现代汉语语法、现代汉语修辞。
Optional courses: HSK Tutorials, Chinese Idioms and Their Stories, Spoken Business Chinese, Newspaper Reading, Modern Chinese Lexicology, Modern Chinese Grammar, Modern Chinese Rhetoric.
3. 中国传统文化线上讲座:学校为国际学生开设了丰富的中国传统文化学术讲座,涉及内容包括中国书法、绘画、戏曲、音乐、电影、剪纸、武术、茶艺等非物质文化遗产。
Online lectures on traditional Chinese culture: The school offers a wealth of academic lectures on traditional Chinese culture for international students, covering intangible cultural heritage such as Chinese calligraphy, paintings, opera, music, movie, paper cutting, martial arts, tea art, etc.
Note: Actual course structure is subject to adjustment.