Dr. Laura Movilla Pateiro Visited COMI and Delivered Two Lectures
Dr. Laura Movilla Pateiro, lecturer in Public International Law from University of Vigo, Spain visited and delivered two lectures to COMI(Coastal and Ocean Management Institute) students as invited by Prof. Xiaoqin Zhu, namely, towards an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, and An introduction to the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union.

Dr. Pateiro offered an overview the gaps on the current international legal framework governing areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), and also introduced the work done so far by the international community on this new planned legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in ABNJ. On the other lecture, Dr. Pateiro provided an introduction to the European Union, its maritime situation and the main features of its Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP).
COMI students had a warm discussion with Dr. Pateiro after her lectures. Prof. Zhu extended her gratitude for Dr. Pateiro’s visit and expected that there will be more communication and cooperation opportunities with University of Vigo in the future.
Source: http://comi.xmu.edu.cn/endetail.asp?cateId=9-1&parent=9&id=1494