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Vice president Nicole Brigg leads MU delegation to visit XMU
pubdate: 2018/05/17   views:

On the afternoon of May 10, XMU Vice President Wu Daguang received a delegation from Macquarie University (MU) at the Song En Building of Xiamen University. Members on the delegation included Nicole Brigg, vice president of MU, Leanne Denby, director of the Sustainable Development Department and Fanhua, deputy director of the International Affairs Department.


Vice President Wu extended a warm welcome to the visiting guests and introduced some basic information regarding XMU and her latest achievements on internationalized school running (hereinafter referred to as ISR). He indicated that ISR has always been the significant starting point and solid foothold of XMU for the multi-level, wide-ranging and high-quality communication and cooperation over the years. Wu pointed out that Macquarie University, a prestigious comprehensive university in Australia, has long enjoyed a high reputation in applied finance, actuarial science, accounting and other disciplines. Up to now, the frequent interactions between MU with XMU have laid a solid foundation for closer partnership in the future. Vice President Wu hoped MU and XMU could go hand in hand to boost cooperation in more areas and through new modes so that the two schools could better combine their strengths to grow and prosper together.

Vice President Nicole Brigga thanked XMU for their warm reception. She briefly reviewed the cooperation between Macquarie University and XMU over the past years, including the joint doctoral training programs, “listen and learn” research cooperation and exchange of visits. She noted that XMU is a high-level research university with charming campuses, leading academic disciplines and remarkable achievements on ISR. Nicole Brigga hoped that the NEW COLUMBUS Project, which is supported by the Australian government, could serve as a win-win platform for Macquarie University and XMU in the days to come.


Source: http://en.xmu.edu.cn/35/aa/c10845a341418/page.htm
