In 1921, Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a renownedpatriotic leader of overseas Chinese, founded Xiamen University (XMU), makingit the first higher-learning institution established by overseas Chinese in thenation’s modern education history. In September 2017, it has been officiallyannounced that XMU is now supported by the “World-class University” and“World-class Discipline” Project, conducted by China’s Ministry of Education. Accordingto the U.S. News & World Report’s and others’ Global University Rankings,XMU is ranked top 12 among the over 2,000 universities in Mainland China. Nestledsnugly between the hills and the sea, XMU is one of the most beautiful campusesin the world. Its long and proud tradition of scholarly excellence and itsleadership in a broad range of disciplines have earned it a prestigiousreputation as the “Strength of Southern China”.
I. About the Event
Currently, over 3,000 international studentsfrom over 130 countries and regions are studying at XMU, of whom nearly 1,500are degree students. To enhance the sense of respecting and loving theuniversity, to reveal XMU’s commitment to internationalization, the AdmissionsOffice, Overseas Students Affairs Office and Youth League Committee have initiateda program to encourage the international students to participate in the UniversityPromotional Events in winter vacation 2018.
We invite international students to become abridge and promote the friendships between XMU and their home high school. Internationalstudents can use the winter vocation to visit the home high school and organizevarious kinds of University Promotional Events. By introducing XMU, theapplication procedures and scholarships policies, international students canthen encourage their junior schoolmates to apply for XMU.
II. Eligibility
1. Undergraduate internationalstudents who are going to return to their home countries during the 2018 wintervacations; postgraduates are also welcomed.
2. International studentswho love XMU and display a willingness to participate in the UniversityPromotional Events.
3. Internationalstudents who are open-minded and have strong communication and coordinationskills.
4. Internationalstudents who have previous experience in University Promotional Events will begiven a priority.
III. Key Responsibilities
1. To share your ownlife and study experience in XMU through photos, videos, PowerPoints and othercreative ways; show XMU’s commitment to internationalization and raise itsfame.
2. To communicated withthe principal or counselling director from the high school; Introduce XMU’s Keydisciplines, internationalization and open-ended education, policies of talentstrainings and scholarships; Encourage the high school to recommend moreexcellent students to apply for XMU.
3. To provideapplication information and instructions to prospective students throughWeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Line and other social platforms.
4. To email theFeedback Form, event photos, reports and other related electronic materials to the event and no later than Mach 9, 2018.
IV. Benefits and Rewards
1. Certificate for Social Practice
You can earn the certificatefor social practice if the achievement passes the review.
2. Show Your Charm
You can share yourown life and study experience in XMU with teachers and students in your highschool.
3. Improve Your Skills
You can practiceskills in organizing events, social contacts, public speech, and makingPowerPoints.
4. Outstanding “International Student Ambassador” Award
You can be nominatedfor the Outstanding “International Student Ambassador” Award if the achievementis excelling.
5. Specialized Training
You can have specializedtraining in admission policy, university culture and administrative features.
6. Souvenir Gifts
You can get the XMU prospectus,bookmarks, hand-drawn maps, etc. for the promotional events.
7. Become a Key Ambassador
You may have more opportunityto participate in University’s other foreign receptions and make your resumestand out from the crowd.
V. Selection Procedure
ApplicationDeadline: December 24, 2017.
Please click to submit your application. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview in late December, 2017. Thefinal list will be published in early January 2018, and specialized trainingwill be held later.
VI. Contact Information
l XMUAdmissions Office
Tel:0086-592-2184792 Fax:0086-592-2180256
Email: Web:
l XMUOverseas Students Affairs Office
Tel:0086-592-2183606 Fax:0086-592-2183663
Email: Web:
l XMUYouth League Committee
Tel: 0086-592-2185575 Fax: 0086-592-2186206
Email: Web: