At 8:30 AM localtime on October 7, a Xiamen University delegationheaded by Vice President Zhan Xinli visited San Diego State University (SDSU), receivinga warm welcome from SDSU officials and the director and staff members of the ConfuciusInstitute at SDSU. The delegation included Mao Tongwen, Director of the XMUSouthern Base of CI Headquarters and Office of CI Affairs, and Shi Huixia, DeputySecretary-General of the XMU General Alumni Association.

SDSU President Dr.Hirshman with XMU Vice President Zhan Xinli
SDSU President Dr.Elliot Hirshman extended a warm welcome the delegation and had a group phototaken to commemorate this special occasion. During the meeting, SDSU Provostand Senior Vice President Dr. Chukuka S. Enwemeka extended congratulations tothe delegation on the establishment of Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM). Healso conveyed his appreciated for the partnership between XMU and SDSU injointly operating the Confucius Institute and in many other programs. XMU VicePresident Zhan conveyed her gratitude to SDSU for its support to the ConfuciusInstitute and expressed her hopes for broader cooperation between the two universities.She also invited SDSU President Dr. Enwemeka to visit XMU at a convenient time.Finally, the two sides exchanged gifts and took group photos together.

SDSU ProvostDr. Enwemeka in talk with XMU visitors
While at SDSU,the XMU delegation also toured the newly-completed theMultifunctionalCultureExhibitionCenter. Dr. Liu Lirong, Managing Director of CISDSU, briefed the XMU visitorson the design, public tendering and construction process of the project, whichwould be devoted to teaching, seminar, artistic performance and exhibitionpurposes. Dr. Liu invited Vice President Zhan to attend the opening ceremony ofthe center next year. Vice President Zhan spoke highly of the creative designof center and proposed that XMU and the Confucius Institute at SDSU jointly organizeexhibitions of painting, calligraphy and cultural relics. Director Mao pledged thatthe XMU Southern Base of CI Headquarters would continue to lend great support tothe Confucius Institute at SDSU.

ConfuciusInstitute staff members with the XMU delegation
At 10:00 AMlocal time, Vice President Zhan and Director Mao attended the 2016 ExecutiveConference of the Confucius Institute at SDSU. After the meeting, VicePresident Zhan inscribed “May the Confucius Institute at SDSU have a splendidfuture and be an exemplary model for Confucius Institutes worldwide”.
The visit bythe XMU delegation is set to consolidate the partnership between XMU and SDSUand is expected to lead to broader cooperation between the two universities.